Portabilityportable Description : CHXHtml (Compliant Haskell XHtml) produces W3C valid XHTML1 strict content in most cases* by building a datastructure based on the DTD. Nesting and allowed tags are controlled by recursive types. To simplify usage, type classes are used to substitute the corret constructor for the given context, or throw a type error if the tag is not allowed in that context. As a result, a single function exists per tag as well as attribute names. Each tag has two variants, one with and one without parameters, specified as @_{tag} [{children tags}]@ or @{tag}_ [{attributes}] [{children tags}]@. Underscores prevents namespace conflicts with @Prelude@ as well as cleaning up the syntax otherwise present using imported qualified. Textual data is entered with the function @pcdata "String"@ wherever pcdata is allowed. pcdata is HTML excaped for safety. For speed the variant @pcdata_bs "Data.ByteString"@ can be used which bypasses excaping. Attributes are specified by the functions @{attribute name}_att@, followed by its value of the correct type. See below for specifics. For W3C compliance only the last attribute will be used if duplicate names exist. Rendering to a "String" is done with the 'render' function, or to a "Data.ByteString" via the 'render_bs' function. Note that "Data.ByteString" is significatly faster than Strings. Under the hood we use a myriad of datatypes for tags and attributes whos details have been omitted below for brevity. To assist in selecting allowed tags and attributes 'htmlHelp' is provided which produces allowed children and attributes given a tag's nesting position. See 'htmlHelp' below for usage. \*Note we do not enforce tag ordering as described in the DTD.
Tag & Attribute Help
Enumerated Attribute Values
htmlHelp :: [String] -> [[String]]
render :: Render a => a -> String
render_bs :: Render a => a -> ByteString
pcdata :: C_PCDATA a => String -> a
pcdata_bs :: C_PCDATA a => ByteString -> a
_html :: [Ent0] -> Ent
html_ :: [Att0] -> [Ent0] -> Ent
_a :: C_A a b => [b] -> a
a_ :: C_A a b => [Att16] -> [b] -> a
_abbr :: C_Abbr a b => [b] -> a
abbr_ :: C_Abbr a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_acronym :: C_Acronym a b => [b] -> a
acronym_ :: C_Acronym a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_address :: C_Address a b => [b] -> a
address_ :: C_Address a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_area :: C_Area a => a
area_ :: C_Area a => [Att27] -> a
_b :: C_B a b => [b] -> a
b_ :: C_B a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_base :: C_Base a => a
base_ :: C_Base a => [Att3] -> a
_bdo :: C_Bdo a b => [b] -> a
bdo_ :: C_Bdo a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_big :: C_Big a b => [b] -> a
big_ :: C_Big a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_blockquote :: C_Blockquote a b => [b] -> a
blockquote_ :: C_Blockquote a b => [Att14] -> [b] -> a
_body :: C_Body a b => [b] -> a
body_ :: C_Body a b => [Att12] -> [b] -> a
_br :: C_Br a => a
br_ :: C_Br a => [Att19] -> a
_button :: C_Button a b => [b] -> a
button_ :: C_Button a b => [Att40] -> [b] -> a
_caption :: C_Caption a b => [b] -> a
caption_ :: C_Caption a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_cite :: C_Cite a b => [b] -> a
cite_ :: C_Cite a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_code :: C_Code a b => [b] -> a
code_ :: C_Code a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_col :: C_Col a => a
col_ :: C_Col a => [Att43] -> a
_colgroup :: C_Colgroup a b => [b] -> a
colgroup_ :: C_Colgroup a b => [Att43] -> [b] -> a
_dd :: C_Dd a b => [b] -> a
dd_ :: C_Dd a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_del :: C_Del a b => [b] -> a
del_ :: C_Del a b => [Att15] -> [b] -> a
_dfn :: C_Dfn a b => [b] -> a
dfn_ :: C_Dfn a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_div :: C_Div a b => [b] -> a
div_ :: C_Div a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_dl :: C_Dl a b => [b] -> a
dl_ :: C_Dl a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_dt :: C_Dt a b => [b] -> a
dt_ :: C_Dt a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_em :: C_Em a b => [b] -> a
em_ :: C_Em a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_fieldset :: C_Fieldset a b => [b] -> a
fieldset_ :: C_Fieldset a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_form :: C_Form a b => [b] -> a
form_ :: C_Form a b => [Att28] -> [b] -> a
_h1 :: C_H1 a b => [b] -> a
h1_ :: C_H1 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h2 :: C_H2 a b => [b] -> a
h2_ :: C_H2 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h3 :: C_H3 a b => [b] -> a
h3_ :: C_H3 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h4 :: C_H4 a b => [b] -> a
h4_ :: C_H4 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h5 :: C_H5 a b => [b] -> a
h5_ :: C_H5 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h6 :: C_H6 a b => [b] -> a
h6_ :: C_H6 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_head :: C_Head a b => [b] -> a
head_ :: C_Head a b => [Att1] -> [b] -> a
_hr :: C_Hr a => a
hr_ :: C_Hr a => [Att11] -> a
_i :: C_I a b => [b] -> a
i_ :: C_I a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_img :: C_Img a => a
img_ :: C_Img a => [Att22] -> a
_input :: C_Input a => a
input_ :: C_Input a => [Att31] -> a
_ins :: C_Ins a b => [b] -> a
ins_ :: C_Ins a b => [Att15] -> [b] -> a
_kbd :: C_Kbd a b => [b] -> a
kbd_ :: C_Kbd a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_label :: C_Label a b => [b] -> a
label_ :: C_Label a b => [Att30] -> [b] -> a
_legend :: C_Legend a b => [b] -> a
legend_ :: C_Legend a b => [Att39] -> [b] -> a
_li :: C_Li a b => [b] -> a
li_ :: C_Li a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_link :: C_Link a => a
link_ :: C_Link a => [Att7] -> a
_map :: C_Map a b => [b] -> a
map_ :: C_Map a b => [Att25] -> [b] -> a
_meta :: C_Meta a => a
meta_ :: C_Meta a => [Att5] -> a
_noscript :: C_Noscript a b => [b] -> a
noscript_ :: C_Noscript a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_object :: C_Object a b => [b] -> a
object_ :: C_Object a b => [Att20] -> [b] -> a
_ol :: C_Ol a b => [b] -> a
ol_ :: C_Ol a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_optgroup :: C_Optgroup a b => [b] -> a
optgroup_ :: C_Optgroup a b => [Att33] -> [b] -> a
_option :: C_Option a b => [b] -> a
option_ :: C_Option a b => [Att35] -> [b] -> a
_p :: C_P a b => [b] -> a
p_ :: C_P a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_param :: C_Param a => a
param_ :: C_Param a => [Att21] -> a
_pre :: C_Pre a b => [b] -> a
pre_ :: C_Pre a b => [Att13] -> [b] -> a
_q :: C_Q a b => [b] -> a
q_ :: C_Q a b => [Att14] -> [b] -> a
_samp :: C_Samp a b => [b] -> a
samp_ :: C_Samp a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_script :: C_Script a b => [b] -> a
script_ :: C_Script a b => [Att10] -> [b] -> a
_select :: C_Select a b => [b] -> a
select_ :: C_Select a b => [Att32] -> [b] -> a
_small :: C_Small a b => [b] -> a
small_ :: C_Small a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_span :: C_Span a b => [b] -> a
span_ :: C_Span a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_strong :: C_Strong a b => [b] -> a
strong_ :: C_Strong a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_style :: C_Style a b => [b] -> a
style_ :: C_Style a b => [Att8] -> [b] -> a
_sub :: C_Sub a b => [b] -> a
sub_ :: C_Sub a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_sup :: C_Sup a b => [b] -> a
sup_ :: C_Sup a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_table :: C_Table a b => [b] -> a
table_ :: C_Table a b => [Att41] -> [b] -> a
_tbody :: C_Tbody a b => [b] -> a
tbody_ :: C_Tbody a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_td :: C_Td a b => [b] -> a
td_ :: C_Td a b => [Att44] -> [b] -> a
_textarea :: C_Textarea a b => [b] -> a
textarea_ :: C_Textarea a b => [Att36] -> [b] -> a
_tfoot :: C_Tfoot a b => [b] -> a
tfoot_ :: C_Tfoot a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_th :: C_Th a b => [b] -> a
th_ :: C_Th a b => [Att44] -> [b] -> a
_thead :: C_Thead a b => [b] -> a
thead_ :: C_Thead a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_title :: C_Title a b => [b] -> a
title_ :: C_Title a b => [Att2] -> [b] -> a
_tr :: C_Tr a b => [b] -> a
tr_ :: C_Tr a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_tt :: C_Tt a b => [b] -> a
tt_ :: C_Tt a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_ul :: C_Ul a b => [b] -> a
ul_ :: C_Ul a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_var :: C_Var a b => [b] -> a
var_ :: C_Var a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
http_equiv_att :: A_Http_equiv a => String -> a
http_equiv_att_bs :: A_Http_equiv a => ByteString -> a
content_att :: A_Content a => String -> a
content_att_bs :: A_Content a => ByteString -> a
nohref_att :: A_Nohref a => String -> a
onkeydown_att :: A_Onkeydown a => String -> a
onkeydown_att_bs :: A_Onkeydown a => ByteString -> a
onkeyup_att :: A_Onkeyup a => String -> a
onkeyup_att_bs :: A_Onkeyup a => ByteString -> a
onreset_att :: A_Onreset a => String -> a
onreset_att_bs :: A_Onreset a => ByteString -> a
onmouseup_att :: A_Onmouseup a => String -> a
onmouseup_att_bs :: A_Onmouseup a => ByteString -> a
scope_att :: A_Scope a => ScopeEnum -> a
onmouseover_att :: A_Onmouseover a => String -> a
onmouseover_att_bs :: A_Onmouseover a => ByteString -> a
align_att :: A_Align a => AlignEnum -> a
lang_att :: A_Lang a => String -> a
lang_att_bs :: A_Lang a => ByteString -> a
valign_att :: A_Valign a => ValignEnum -> a
name_att :: A_Name a => String -> a
name_att_bs :: A_Name a => ByteString -> a
charset_att :: A_Charset a => String -> a
charset_att_bs :: A_Charset a => ByteString -> a
scheme_att :: A_Scheme a => String -> a
scheme_att_bs :: A_Scheme a => ByteString -> a
accept_charset_att :: A_Accept_charset a => String -> a
accept_charset_att_bs :: A_Accept_charset a => ByteString -> a
onmousedown_att :: A_Onmousedown a => String -> a
onmousedown_att_bs :: A_Onmousedown a => ByteString -> a
rev_att :: A_Rev a => String -> a
rev_att_bs :: A_Rev a => ByteString -> a
span_att :: A_Span a => String -> a
span_att_bs :: A_Span a => ByteString -> a
title_att :: A_Title a => String -> a
title_att_bs :: A_Title a => ByteString -> a
onclick_att :: A_Onclick a => String -> a
onclick_att_bs :: A_Onclick a => ByteString -> a
width_att :: A_Width a => String -> a
width_att_bs :: A_Width a => ByteString -> a
enctype_att :: A_Enctype a => String -> a
enctype_att_bs :: A_Enctype a => ByteString -> a
ismap_att :: A_Ismap a => String -> a
usemap_att :: A_Usemap a => String -> a
usemap_att_bs :: A_Usemap a => ByteString -> a
coords_att :: A_Coords a => String -> a
coords_att_bs :: A_Coords a => ByteString -> a
frame_att :: A_Frame a => FrameEnum -> a
size_att :: A_Size a => String -> a
size_att_bs :: A_Size a => ByteString -> a
onblur_att :: A_Onblur a => String -> a
onblur_att_bs :: A_Onblur a => ByteString -> a
datetime_att :: A_Datetime a => String -> a
datetime_att_bs :: A_Datetime a => ByteString -> a
dir_att :: A_Dir a => DirEnum -> a
summary_att :: A_Summary a => String -> a
summary_att_bs :: A_Summary a => ByteString -> a
method_att :: A_Method a => MethodEnum -> a
standby_att :: A_Standby a => String -> a
standby_att_bs :: A_Standby a => ByteString -> a
tabindex_att :: A_Tabindex a => String -> a
tabindex_att_bs :: A_Tabindex a => ByteString -> a
style_att :: A_Style a => String -> a
style_att_bs :: A_Style a => ByteString -> a
onmousemove_att :: A_Onmousemove a => String -> a
onmousemove_att_bs :: A_Onmousemove a => ByteString -> a
height_att :: A_Height a => String -> a
height_att_bs :: A_Height a => ByteString -> a
codetype_att :: A_Codetype a => String -> a
codetype_att_bs :: A_Codetype a => ByteString -> a
char_att :: A_Char a => String -> a
char_att_bs :: A_Char a => ByteString -> a
multiple_att :: A_Multiple a => String -> a
codebase_att :: A_Codebase a => String -> a
codebase_att_bs :: A_Codebase a => ByteString -> a
xmlns_att :: A_Xmlns a => String -> a
xmlns_att_bs :: A_Xmlns a => ByteString -> a
profile_att :: A_Profile a => String -> a
profile_att_bs :: A_Profile a => ByteString -> a
rel_att :: A_Rel a => String -> a
rel_att_bs :: A_Rel a => ByteString -> a
onsubmit_att :: A_Onsubmit a => String -> a
onsubmit_att_bs :: A_Onsubmit a => ByteString -> a
ondblclick_att :: A_Ondblclick a => String -> a
ondblclick_att_bs :: A_Ondblclick a => ByteString -> a
axis_att :: A_Axis a => String -> a
axis_att_bs :: A_Axis a => ByteString -> a
cols_att :: A_Cols a => String -> a
cols_att_bs :: A_Cols a => ByteString -> a
abbr_att :: A_Abbr a => String -> a
abbr_att_bs :: A_Abbr a => ByteString -> a
onchange_att :: A_Onchange a => String -> a
onchange_att_bs :: A_Onchange a => ByteString -> a
readonly_att :: A_Readonly a => String -> a
href_att :: A_Href a => String -> a
href_att_bs :: A_Href a => ByteString -> a
media_att :: A_Media a => String -> a
media_att_bs :: A_Media a => ByteString -> a
id_att :: A_Id a => String -> a
id_att_bs :: A_Id a => ByteString -> a
for_att :: A_For a => String -> a
for_att_bs :: A_For a => ByteString -> a
src_att :: A_Src a => String -> a
src_att_bs :: A_Src a => ByteString -> a
value_att :: A_Value a => String -> a
value_att_bs :: A_Value a => ByteString -> a
data_att :: A_Data a => String -> a
data_att_bs :: A_Data a => ByteString -> a
hreflang_att :: A_Hreflang a => String -> a
hreflang_att_bs :: A_Hreflang a => ByteString -> a
checked_att :: A_Checked a => String -> a
declare_att :: A_Declare a => String -> a
onkeypress_att :: A_Onkeypress a => String -> a
onkeypress_att_bs :: A_Onkeypress a => ByteString -> a
label_att :: A_Label a => String -> a
label_att_bs :: A_Label a => ByteString -> a
class_att :: A_Class a => String -> a
class_att_bs :: A_Class a => ByteString -> a
type_att :: A_Type a => String -> a
type_att_bs :: A_Type a => ByteString -> a
shape_att :: A_Shape a => ShapeEnum -> a
accesskey_att :: A_Accesskey a => String -> a
accesskey_att_bs :: A_Accesskey a => ByteString -> a
headers_att :: A_Headers a => String -> a
headers_att_bs :: A_Headers a => ByteString -> a
disabled_att :: A_Disabled a => String -> a
rules_att :: A_Rules a => RulesEnum -> a
rows_att :: A_Rows a => String -> a
rows_att_bs :: A_Rows a => ByteString -> a
onfocus_att :: A_Onfocus a => String -> a
onfocus_att_bs :: A_Onfocus a => ByteString -> a
colspan_att :: A_Colspan a => String -> a
colspan_att_bs :: A_Colspan a => ByteString -> a
rowspan_att :: A_Rowspan a => String -> a
rowspan_att_bs :: A_Rowspan a => ByteString -> a
defer_att :: A_Defer a => String -> a
cellspacing_att :: A_Cellspacing a => String -> a
cellspacing_att_bs :: A_Cellspacing a => ByteString -> a
charoff_att :: A_Charoff a => String -> a
charoff_att_bs :: A_Charoff a => ByteString -> a
cite_att :: A_Cite a => String -> a
cite_att_bs :: A_Cite a => ByteString -> a
maxlength_att :: A_Maxlength a => String -> a
maxlength_att_bs :: A_Maxlength a => ByteString -> a
onselect_att :: A_Onselect a => String -> a
onselect_att_bs :: A_Onselect a => ByteString -> a
accept_att :: A_Accept a => String -> a
accept_att_bs :: A_Accept a => ByteString -> a
archive_att :: A_Archive a => String -> a
archive_att_bs :: A_Archive a => ByteString -> a
alt_att :: A_Alt a => String -> a
alt_att_bs :: A_Alt a => ByteString -> a
classid_att :: A_Classid a => String -> a
classid_att_bs :: A_Classid a => ByteString -> a
longdesc_att :: A_Longdesc a => String -> a
longdesc_att_bs :: A_Longdesc a => ByteString -> a
onmouseout_att :: A_Onmouseout a => String -> a
onmouseout_att_bs :: A_Onmouseout a => ByteString -> a
space_att :: A_Space a => String -> a
border_att :: A_Border a => String -> a
border_att_bs :: A_Border a => ByteString -> a
onunload_att :: A_Onunload a => String -> a
onunload_att_bs :: A_Onunload a => ByteString -> a
onload_att :: A_Onload a => String -> a
onload_att_bs :: A_Onload a => ByteString -> a
action_att :: A_Action a => String -> a
action_att_bs :: A_Action a => ByteString -> a
cellpadding_att :: A_Cellpadding a => String -> a
cellpadding_att_bs :: A_Cellpadding a => ByteString -> a
valuetype_att :: A_Valuetype a => ValuetypeEnum -> a
selected_att :: A_Selected a => String -> a
data ValuetypeEnum
= Data
| Ref
| Object
data RulesEnum
= None
| Groups
| Rows
| Cols
| All
data ShapeEnum
= Rect
| Circle
| Poly
| Default
data MethodEnum
= Get
| Post
data DirEnum
= Ltr
| Rtl
data FrameEnum
= Void
| Above
| Below
| Hsides
| Lhs
| Rhs
| Vsides
| Box
| Border
data ValignEnum
= Top
| Middle
| Bottom
| Baseline
data AlignEnum
= Left
| Center
| Right
| Justify
| Char
data ScopeEnum
= Row
| Col
| Rowgroup
| Colgroup
Tag & Attribute Help
htmlHelp :: [String] -> [[String]]

htmlHelp provides a way of finding allowed children tags and attributes. For example a h1 inside a body tag inside an html tag is queried with

 htmlHelp ["html","body","h1"]
 = [["a","abbr",..,"tt","var"],["alt_att","class_att","dir_att",..,"usemap_att","width_att"]]

which returns a list of 2 elements, each their own list. The first is the allowed children tags, in this case 34. The second is a list of allowed attributes for the h1 tag. Remember to add a _ as a prefix or suffix of all tags, as well as _bs if providing a Data.ByteString to an attribute.

render :: Render a => a -> String
render_bs :: Render a => a -> ByteString
pcdata :: C_PCDATA a => String -> a
pcdata_bs :: C_PCDATA a => ByteString -> a
_html :: [Ent0] -> Ent
html_ :: [Att0] -> [Ent0] -> Ent
_a :: C_A a b => [b] -> a
a_ :: C_A a b => [Att16] -> [b] -> a
_abbr :: C_Abbr a b => [b] -> a
abbr_ :: C_Abbr a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_acronym :: C_Acronym a b => [b] -> a
acronym_ :: C_Acronym a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_address :: C_Address a b => [b] -> a
address_ :: C_Address a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_area :: C_Area a => a
area_ :: C_Area a => [Att27] -> a
_b :: C_B a b => [b] -> a
b_ :: C_B a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_base :: C_Base a => a
base_ :: C_Base a => [Att3] -> a
_bdo :: C_Bdo a b => [b] -> a
bdo_ :: C_Bdo a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_big :: C_Big a b => [b] -> a
big_ :: C_Big a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_blockquote :: C_Blockquote a b => [b] -> a
blockquote_ :: C_Blockquote a b => [Att14] -> [b] -> a
_body :: C_Body a b => [b] -> a
body_ :: C_Body a b => [Att12] -> [b] -> a
_br :: C_Br a => a
br_ :: C_Br a => [Att19] -> a
_button :: C_Button a b => [b] -> a
button_ :: C_Button a b => [Att40] -> [b] -> a
_caption :: C_Caption a b => [b] -> a
caption_ :: C_Caption a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_cite :: C_Cite a b => [b] -> a
cite_ :: C_Cite a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_code :: C_Code a b => [b] -> a
code_ :: C_Code a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_col :: C_Col a => a
col_ :: C_Col a => [Att43] -> a
_colgroup :: C_Colgroup a b => [b] -> a
colgroup_ :: C_Colgroup a b => [Att43] -> [b] -> a
_dd :: C_Dd a b => [b] -> a
dd_ :: C_Dd a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_del :: C_Del a b => [b] -> a
del_ :: C_Del a b => [Att15] -> [b] -> a
_dfn :: C_Dfn a b => [b] -> a
dfn_ :: C_Dfn a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_div :: C_Div a b => [b] -> a
div_ :: C_Div a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_dl :: C_Dl a b => [b] -> a
dl_ :: C_Dl a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_dt :: C_Dt a b => [b] -> a
dt_ :: C_Dt a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_em :: C_Em a b => [b] -> a
em_ :: C_Em a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_fieldset :: C_Fieldset a b => [b] -> a
fieldset_ :: C_Fieldset a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_form :: C_Form a b => [b] -> a
form_ :: C_Form a b => [Att28] -> [b] -> a
_h1 :: C_H1 a b => [b] -> a
h1_ :: C_H1 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h2 :: C_H2 a b => [b] -> a
h2_ :: C_H2 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h3 :: C_H3 a b => [b] -> a
h3_ :: C_H3 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h4 :: C_H4 a b => [b] -> a
h4_ :: C_H4 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h5 :: C_H5 a b => [b] -> a
h5_ :: C_H5 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_h6 :: C_H6 a b => [b] -> a
h6_ :: C_H6 a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_head :: C_Head a b => [b] -> a
head_ :: C_Head a b => [Att1] -> [b] -> a
_hr :: C_Hr a => a
hr_ :: C_Hr a => [Att11] -> a
_i :: C_I a b => [b] -> a
i_ :: C_I a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_img :: C_Img a => a
img_ :: C_Img a => [Att22] -> a
_input :: C_Input a => a
input_ :: C_Input a => [Att31] -> a
_ins :: C_Ins a b => [b] -> a
ins_ :: C_Ins a b => [Att15] -> [b] -> a
_kbd :: C_Kbd a b => [b] -> a
kbd_ :: C_Kbd a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_label :: C_Label a b => [b] -> a
label_ :: C_Label a b => [Att30] -> [b] -> a
_legend :: C_Legend a b => [b] -> a
legend_ :: C_Legend a b => [Att39] -> [b] -> a
_li :: C_Li a b => [b] -> a
li_ :: C_Li a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_link :: C_Link a => a
link_ :: C_Link a => [Att7] -> a
_map :: C_Map a b => [b] -> a
map_ :: C_Map a b => [Att25] -> [b] -> a
_meta :: C_Meta a => a
meta_ :: C_Meta a => [Att5] -> a
_noscript :: C_Noscript a b => [b] -> a
noscript_ :: C_Noscript a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_object :: C_Object a b => [b] -> a
object_ :: C_Object a b => [Att20] -> [b] -> a
_ol :: C_Ol a b => [b] -> a
ol_ :: C_Ol a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_optgroup :: C_Optgroup a b => [b] -> a
optgroup_ :: C_Optgroup a b => [Att33] -> [b] -> a
_option :: C_Option a b => [b] -> a
option_ :: C_Option a b => [Att35] -> [b] -> a
_p :: C_P a b => [b] -> a
p_ :: C_P a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_param :: C_Param a => a
param_ :: C_Param a => [Att21] -> a
_pre :: C_Pre a b => [b] -> a
pre_ :: C_Pre a b => [Att13] -> [b] -> a
_q :: C_Q a b => [b] -> a
q_ :: C_Q a b => [Att14] -> [b] -> a
_samp :: C_Samp a b => [b] -> a
samp_ :: C_Samp a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_script :: C_Script a b => [b] -> a
script_ :: C_Script a b => [Att10] -> [b] -> a
_select :: C_Select a b => [b] -> a
select_ :: C_Select a b => [Att32] -> [b] -> a
_small :: C_Small a b => [b] -> a
small_ :: C_Small a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_span :: C_Span a b => [b] -> a
span_ :: C_Span a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_strong :: C_Strong a b => [b] -> a
strong_ :: C_Strong a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_style :: C_Style a b => [b] -> a
style_ :: C_Style a b => [Att8] -> [b] -> a
_sub :: C_Sub a b => [b] -> a
sub_ :: C_Sub a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_sup :: C_Sup a b => [b] -> a
sup_ :: C_Sup a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_table :: C_Table a b => [b] -> a
table_ :: C_Table a b => [Att41] -> [b] -> a
_tbody :: C_Tbody a b => [b] -> a
tbody_ :: C_Tbody a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_td :: C_Td a b => [b] -> a
td_ :: C_Td a b => [Att44] -> [b] -> a
_textarea :: C_Textarea a b => [b] -> a
textarea_ :: C_Textarea a b => [Att36] -> [b] -> a
_tfoot :: C_Tfoot a b => [b] -> a
tfoot_ :: C_Tfoot a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_th :: C_Th a b => [b] -> a
th_ :: C_Th a b => [Att44] -> [b] -> a
_thead :: C_Thead a b => [b] -> a
thead_ :: C_Thead a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_title :: C_Title a b => [b] -> a
title_ :: C_Title a b => [Att2] -> [b] -> a
_tr :: C_Tr a b => [b] -> a
tr_ :: C_Tr a b => [Att42] -> [b] -> a
_tt :: C_Tt a b => [b] -> a
tt_ :: C_Tt a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_ul :: C_Ul a b => [b] -> a
ul_ :: C_Ul a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
_var :: C_Var a b => [b] -> a
var_ :: C_Var a b => [Att11] -> [b] -> a
http_equiv_att :: A_Http_equiv a => String -> a
http_equiv_att_bs :: A_Http_equiv a => ByteString -> a
content_att :: A_Content a => String -> a
content_att_bs :: A_Content a => ByteString -> a
nohref_att :: A_Nohref a => String -> a
onkeydown_att :: A_Onkeydown a => String -> a
onkeydown_att_bs :: A_Onkeydown a => ByteString -> a
onkeyup_att :: A_Onkeyup a => String -> a
onkeyup_att_bs :: A_Onkeyup a => ByteString -> a
onreset_att :: A_Onreset a => String -> a
onreset_att_bs :: A_Onreset a => ByteString -> a
onmouseup_att :: A_Onmouseup a => String -> a
onmouseup_att_bs :: A_Onmouseup a => ByteString -> a
scope_att :: A_Scope a => ScopeEnum -> a
onmouseover_att :: A_Onmouseover a => String -> a
onmouseover_att_bs :: A_Onmouseover a => ByteString -> a
align_att :: A_Align a => AlignEnum -> a
lang_att :: A_Lang a => String -> a
lang_att_bs :: A_Lang a => ByteString -> a
valign_att :: A_Valign a => ValignEnum -> a
name_att :: A_Name a => String -> a
name_att_bs :: A_Name a => ByteString -> a
charset_att :: A_Charset a => String -> a
charset_att_bs :: A_Charset a => ByteString -> a
scheme_att :: A_Scheme a => String -> a
scheme_att_bs :: A_Scheme a => ByteString -> a
accept_charset_att :: A_Accept_charset a => String -> a
accept_charset_att_bs :: A_Accept_charset a => ByteString -> a
onmousedown_att :: A_Onmousedown a => String -> a
onmousedown_att_bs :: A_Onmousedown a => ByteString -> a
rev_att :: A_Rev a => String -> a
rev_att_bs :: A_Rev a => ByteString -> a
span_att :: A_Span a => String -> a
span_att_bs :: A_Span a => ByteString -> a
title_att :: A_Title a => String -> a
title_att_bs :: A_Title a => ByteString -> a
onclick_att :: A_Onclick a => String -> a
onclick_att_bs :: A_Onclick a => ByteString -> a
width_att :: A_Width a => String -> a
width_att_bs :: A_Width a => ByteString -> a
enctype_att :: A_Enctype a => String -> a
enctype_att_bs :: A_Enctype a => ByteString -> a
ismap_att :: A_Ismap a => String -> a
usemap_att :: A_Usemap a => String -> a
usemap_att_bs :: A_Usemap a => ByteString -> a
coords_att :: A_Coords a => String -> a
coords_att_bs :: A_Coords a => ByteString -> a
frame_att :: A_Frame a => FrameEnum -> a
size_att :: A_Size a => String -> a
size_att_bs :: A_Size a => ByteString -> a
onblur_att :: A_Onblur a => String -> a
onblur_att_bs :: A_Onblur a => ByteString -> a
datetime_att :: A_Datetime a => String -> a
datetime_att_bs :: A_Datetime a => ByteString -> a
dir_att :: A_Dir a => DirEnum -> a
summary_att :: A_Summary a => String -> a
summary_att_bs :: A_Summary a => ByteString -> a
method_att :: A_Method a => MethodEnum -> a
standby_att :: A_Standby a => String -> a
standby_att_bs :: A_Standby a => ByteString -> a
tabindex_att :: A_Tabindex a => String -> a
tabindex_att_bs :: A_Tabindex a => ByteString -> a
style_att :: A_Style a => String -> a
style_att_bs :: A_Style a => ByteString -> a
onmousemove_att :: A_Onmousemove a => String -> a
onmousemove_att_bs :: A_Onmousemove a => ByteString -> a
height_att :: A_Height a => String -> a
height_att_bs :: A_Height a => ByteString -> a
codetype_att :: A_Codetype a => String -> a
codetype_att_bs :: A_Codetype a => ByteString -> a
char_att :: A_Char a => String -> a
char_att_bs :: A_Char a => ByteString -> a
multiple_att :: A_Multiple a => String -> a
codebase_att :: A_Codebase a => String -> a
codebase_att_bs :: A_Codebase a => ByteString -> a
xmlns_att :: A_Xmlns a => String -> a
xmlns_att_bs :: A_Xmlns a => ByteString -> a
profile_att :: A_Profile a => String -> a
profile_att_bs :: A_Profile a => ByteString -> a
rel_att :: A_Rel a => String -> a
rel_att_bs :: A_Rel a => ByteString -> a
onsubmit_att :: A_Onsubmit a => String -> a
onsubmit_att_bs :: A_Onsubmit a => ByteString -> a
ondblclick_att :: A_Ondblclick a => String -> a
ondblclick_att_bs :: A_Ondblclick a => ByteString -> a
axis_att :: A_Axis a => String -> a
axis_att_bs :: A_Axis a => ByteString -> a
cols_att :: A_Cols a => String -> a
cols_att_bs :: A_Cols a => ByteString -> a
abbr_att :: A_Abbr a => String -> a
abbr_att_bs :: A_Abbr a => ByteString -> a
onchange_att :: A_Onchange a => String -> a
onchange_att_bs :: A_Onchange a => ByteString -> a
readonly_att :: A_Readonly a => String -> a
href_att :: A_Href a => String -> a
href_att_bs :: A_Href a => ByteString -> a
media_att :: A_Media a => String -> a
media_att_bs :: A_Media a => ByteString -> a
id_att :: A_Id a => String -> a
id_att_bs :: A_Id a => ByteString -> a
for_att :: A_For a => String -> a
for_att_bs :: A_For a => ByteString -> a
src_att :: A_Src a => String -> a
src_att_bs :: A_Src a => ByteString -> a
value_att :: A_Value a => String -> a
value_att_bs :: A_Value a => ByteString -> a
data_att :: A_Data a => String -> a
data_att_bs :: A_Data a => ByteString -> a
hreflang_att :: A_Hreflang a => String -> a
hreflang_att_bs :: A_Hreflang a => ByteString -> a
checked_att :: A_Checked a => String -> a
declare_att :: A_Declare a => String -> a
onkeypress_att :: A_Onkeypress a => String -> a
onkeypress_att_bs :: A_Onkeypress a => ByteString -> a
label_att :: A_Label a => String -> a
label_att_bs :: A_Label a => ByteString -> a
class_att :: A_Class a => String -> a
class_att_bs :: A_Class a => ByteString -> a
type_att :: A_Type a => String -> a
type_att_bs :: A_Type a => ByteString -> a
shape_att :: A_Shape a => ShapeEnum -> a
accesskey_att :: A_Accesskey a => String -> a
accesskey_att_bs :: A_Accesskey a => ByteString -> a
headers_att :: A_Headers a => String -> a
headers_att_bs :: A_Headers a => ByteString -> a
disabled_att :: A_Disabled a => String -> a
rules_att :: A_Rules a => RulesEnum -> a
rows_att :: A_Rows a => String -> a
rows_att_bs :: A_Rows a => ByteString -> a
onfocus_att :: A_Onfocus a => String -> a
onfocus_att_bs :: A_Onfocus a => ByteString -> a
colspan_att :: A_Colspan a => String -> a
colspan_att_bs :: A_Colspan a => ByteString -> a
rowspan_att :: A_Rowspan a => String -> a
rowspan_att_bs :: A_Rowspan a => ByteString -> a
defer_att :: A_Defer a => String -> a
cellspacing_att :: A_Cellspacing a => String -> a
cellspacing_att_bs :: A_Cellspacing a => ByteString -> a
charoff_att :: A_Charoff a => String -> a
charoff_att_bs :: A_Charoff a => ByteString -> a
cite_att :: A_Cite a => String -> a
cite_att_bs :: A_Cite a => ByteString -> a
maxlength_att :: A_Maxlength a => String -> a
maxlength_att_bs :: A_Maxlength a => ByteString -> a
onselect_att :: A_Onselect a => String -> a
onselect_att_bs :: A_Onselect a => ByteString -> a
accept_att :: A_Accept a => String -> a
accept_att_bs :: A_Accept a => ByteString -> a
archive_att :: A_Archive a => String -> a
archive_att_bs :: A_Archive a => ByteString -> a
alt_att :: A_Alt a => String -> a
alt_att_bs :: A_Alt a => ByteString -> a
classid_att :: A_Classid a => String -> a
classid_att_bs :: A_Classid a => ByteString -> a
longdesc_att :: A_Longdesc a => String -> a
longdesc_att_bs :: A_Longdesc a => ByteString -> a
onmouseout_att :: A_Onmouseout a => String -> a
onmouseout_att_bs :: A_Onmouseout a => ByteString -> a
space_att :: A_Space a => String -> a
border_att :: A_Border a => String -> a
border_att_bs :: A_Border a => ByteString -> a
onunload_att :: A_Onunload a => String -> a
onunload_att_bs :: A_Onunload a => ByteString -> a
onload_att :: A_Onload a => String -> a
onload_att_bs :: A_Onload a => ByteString -> a
action_att :: A_Action a => String -> a
action_att_bs :: A_Action a => ByteString -> a
cellpadding_att :: A_Cellpadding a => String -> a
cellpadding_att_bs :: A_Cellpadding a => ByteString -> a
valuetype_att :: A_Valuetype a => ValuetypeEnum -> a
selected_att :: A_Selected a => String -> a
Enumerated Attribute Values
data ValuetypeEnum
show/hide Instances
data RulesEnum
show/hide Instances
data ShapeEnum
show/hide Instances
data MethodEnum
show/hide Instances
data DirEnum
show/hide Instances
Show DirEnum
data FrameEnum
show/hide Instances
data ValignEnum
show/hide Instances
data AlignEnum
show/hide Instances
data ScopeEnum
show/hide Instances
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2